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How To Qualify For

Tax-Free Student Loan Forgiveness

In 3 Simple Steps

On Demand
Instant Access
30 Minutes

How To Qualify For

Tax-Free Student Loan Forgiveness

In 3 Simple Steps

 On Demand
 Instant Access
 30 Minutes

Is your student loan debt GROWING?

Here's why...
46-65% of student loan accounts had INCREASING BALANCES between 2008-2019 even if they were making their monthly payments on time!

I call this the FINANCIAL BLACK HOLE of student loans.

It’s not right, it’s not fair, and it’s not your fault!

Most doctors, lawyers, and other professionals with 6 figures of student loan debt are enrolled in an Income Driven Repayment (IDR) plan.  These plans often offer a monthly payment LESS THAN INTEREST which means the debt never actually goes down.

What's worse, after 20-25 years any remaining debt is forgiven but TAXED as income!
The Income Driven Repayment plans offer FAKE forgiveness because it will be taxed as earned income.
Those who meet just 3 requirements to qualify for a Federal program called PSLF will get their student debt erased tax-free in less than half the time!

Is your student loan debt GROWING?

Here's why...
46-65% of student loan accounts had INCREASING BALANCES between 2008-2019 even if they were making their monthly payments on time!

I call this the FINANCIAL BLACK HOLE of student loans.

It’s not right, it’s not fair, and it’s not your fault!

Most doctors, lawyers, and other professionals with 6 figures of student loan debt are enrolled in an Income Driven Repayment (IDR) plan. These plans often offer a monthly payment LESS THAN INTEREST which means the debt never actually goes down.

What's worse, after 20-25 years any remaining debt is forgiven but TAXED as income!
The Income Driven Repayment plans offer FAKE forgiveness because it will be taxed as income...
Those who meet just 3 requirements to qualify for a Federal program called PSLF will get their student debt erased tax-free in less than half the time!

In This Free WebClass, I Will Share 
3 Student Loan Secrets That Could Help You Save Thousands!

Student Loan Secret #1

How To Get The Lowest Monthly Payment

Just making sure you're enrolled in the best repayment plan could save you tens of thousands over the life of your loans!  Learn which plan offers the lowest payment plus unpaid interest subsidies to help you maximize savings and cash-flow.
Student Loan Secret #2

IDR Plans Come With A Forgiveness Tax-Bomb

One type of student loan forgiveness happens after 20-25 years on an Income Driven Repayment plan but forgiven debt will be taxed as income.  Learn how to minimize or completely avoid the student loan forgiveness tax-bomb.
Student Loan Secret #3

How To Break The Chains Of Student Debt Slavery

As of May, 2023 The U.S. Department of Education has discharged over $42 Billion dollars of Federal student loan debt tax-free with PSLF.  Learn how quickly and easily you can meet the 3 requirements to qualify!

In This Free WebClass, 
I Will Share 3 Student Loan Secrets That Could Help
You Save Thousands!

Student Loan Secret #1

How To Get The Lowest Monthly Payment

Just making sure you're enrolled in the best repayment plan could save you tens of thousands over the life of your loans!  Learn which plan offers the lowest payment and unpaid interest subsidies to help maximize savings and cash-flow.
Student Loan Secret #2

IDR Plans Come With A Forgiveness Tax-Bomb

One type of student loan forgiveness happens after 20-25 years on an Income Driven Repayment plan but forgiven debt will be taxed as income. Learn how to minimize or completely avoid the student loan forgiveness tax-bomb.
Student Loan Secret #3

How To Break The Chains Of Student Debt Slavery

As of May, 2023 The U.S. Department of Education has discharged over $42 Billion dollars of Federal student loan debt tax-free with PSLF. Learn how quickly and easily you can meet the 3 requirements to qualify!

In This WebClass You’ll Learn…

The exact strategy that hundreds of professionals have used to qualify for an average savings of $267,432!
  • Why the Income Driven Repayment (IDR) plans are often a financial black hole.
  • How to get the LOWEST monthly payment to maximize savings and cashflow.
  • How to get 3 full years with no interest accrual to stop your debt from growing.
  • How to break the chains of student debt slavery and qualify for the fastest and only tax-free form of student loan forgiveness.
  • Political updates on student loans for 2023 and beyond.
  • And much, much more!

In This WebClass You Will Learn…

The exact strategy that hundreds of borrowers have used to qualify for an average savings of $267,432!
  • Why the Income Driven Repayment (IDR) plans are often a financial black hole.
  • How to get the lowest monthly payment to maximize savings and cashflow.
  • How to get 3 full years with no interest accrual to stop your debt from growing.
  • How to qualify for the fastest and only tax-free form of student loan forgiveness.
  • Political updates on student loans for 2023 and beyond.
  • And much, much more!

Who’s Speaking

Dr. Ian Hoffman wants to show you how to make the world a better place AND 
get your student loans ERASED.
Dr. Ian Hoffman
Founder of the Student Loan Eraser
Student debt is the #1 reason why many of my friends and colleagues have had to postpone important milestones like buying a home, getting married and starting a family, saving for retirement, and paying off other forms of debt.

But what if it didn't have to be that way for you?

What if there was a way to help more deserving people in your community, create another source of personal income, AND qualify for tax-free student loan forgiveness at the same time?

I can tell you firsthand, it's an AMAZING FEELING!
On the FREE Webclass I will show you the exact system I have used to help hundreds of people qualify for millions in tax-free student loan forgiveness!

Who’s Speaking

Dr. Ian Hoffman wants to show you how to make the world a better place and get your student loans ERASED!
From the desk of Dr. Ian Hoffman, Chiropractor and founder of the Student Loan Eraser
Student debt is the #1 reason why many of my friends and colleagues have had to postpone important milestones like buying a home, getting married and starting a family, saving for retirement, and paying off other forms of debt.

But what if it didn't have to be that way for you?

What if there was a way to expand access to your care for some deserving people in your community, create another source of personal income, AND qualify for tax-free student loan forgiveness at the same time?

I can tell you firsthand, it's possible and it's an AMAZING FEELING!

On the FREE Webclass I will show you the exact system I have used to help hundreds of highly educated professionals qualify for millions in tax-free student loan forgiveness!

BONUS: Free Phone Consultation

Everyone who watches the webclass will get this opportunity

At the end of the webclass, a link will automatically appear with a link to schedule a phone call with Dr. Ian Hoffman to get your student loan questions answered for free!

Free Phone Consultation

Everyone who watches the webclass will get this opportunity!

At the end of the webclass, a link will automatically appear with a link to schedule a phone call with Dr. Ian Hoffman to get your student loan questions answered for free!

Here's What Others Are Saying
About The Webclass...

This 30 minute class could be the key to financial freedom from student debt!

"Soooo grateful!!!"

“The mountain of student loan debt was like a black cloud that loomed over the rest of my life; I saw no way out. My debt did nothing but grow...

Your program was so well organized that I felt like someone was there constantly helping me cross every t and dot every i."

- Dr. Chuck P.

"A program I would highly recommend"

"Dr. Ian Hoffman confidently and easily guided us through the process.

Now we are not only qualified for a program to help us with student loan debt but we are helping more people have access to the care we provide."

- Drs. Mychal and Tyler

"Incredible program"

"Dr. Hoffman has developed an incredible program.

He has also been a great support to me, answering any questions that I had in a very timely manner.  

What a gift to me AND my community. A win win situation!"

- Dr. Ashyanna K.

"Trust this process"

"Such a brilliant way to continue to help and serve and allow yourself some relief.

Its one step to get your loans under a manageable payment plan but then a whole other to deal with your taxes owed. Trust this process, it is real.

Thank you Dr Hoffman!"

- Dr. Charles M.

"This program is turn-key"

"All you have to do is show up!

What a relief to know you can do the good you are already doing, and get the astronomical student loan debt erased tax-free

15 years faster than any Income Driven Repayment program"

- Dr. Stephanie G.

"Pay really close attention"

Ian has helped me to save over a quarter of a million dollars on my student loans!

If you want to be successful in getting your student loan debt completely erased tax free Ian is the absolute authority and I suggest that you pay really close attention to what he has to say.

- Dr. Shea L.

Here's What Others Are Saying About The Webclass...

This 30 minute class could be the key to financial freedom from student debt!

"Soooo grateful!!!"

“The mountain of student loan debt was like a black cloud that loomed over the rest of my life; I saw no way out. My debt did nothing but grow...

Your program was so well organized that I felt like someone was there constantly helping me cross every t and dot every i."

- Dr. Chuck P.

"A program I would highly recommend"

"Dr. Ian Hoffman confidently and easily guided us through the process.
Now we are not only qualified for a program to help us with student loan debt but we are helping more people have access to the care we provide."

- Drs. Mychal and Tyler

"Incredible program"

"Dr. Hoffman has developed an incredible program.  He has also been a great support to me, answering any questions that I had in a very timely manner.  What a gift to me AND my community.  A win win situation!"

- Dr. Ashyanna K.

"Trust this process"

"Such a brilliant way to continue to help and serve and allow yourself some relief.
Its one step to get your loans under a manageable payment plan but then a whole other to deal with your taxes owed. Trust this process, it is real.
Thank you Dr Hoffman!"

- Dr. Charles M.

"This program is turnkey"

"All you have to do is show up!
What a relief to know you can do the good you are already doing, and get the astronomical student loan debt erased tax-free 15 years faster than any Income Driven Repayment program"

- Dr. Stephanie G.

"Pay really close attention"

Ian has helped me to save over a quarter of a million dollars on my student loans! If you want to be successful in getting your student loan debt erased tax free Ian is the absolute authority and I suggest that you pay really close attention to what he has to say.

- Dr. Shea L.

You Got Questions? We Have Your Answers!  

What is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program?

PSLF is a Student Loan Forgiveness program created under the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007.  It is the fastest tax-free form of Federal student loan forgiveness and there are only 3 requirements to qualify.

Why are the Income Driven Repayment Plans often a Financial Black Hole?

Most highly educated professionals have a monthly payment less than interest which means their debt grows over 20-25 years.  It is then forgiven but taxed as income and the tax-bomb could be for $100,000 or more.

What is the difference between IDR Forgiveness and the PSLF program?

Income Driven Repayment (IDR) plans forgive student debt after 20-25 years of payments but tax the forgiven debt as income.

PSLF will erase your student debt in less than half the time and 100% tax-free saving the average client $267,432.

Has anyone had their debt erased with Public Service Loan Forgiveness?

Yes!  According to the US Department of Education, there has been over $42 Billion of student debt erased for 650,000 borrowers so far...

You could be next!

You Have Questions?
We Have Answers...  

What is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program?

Public Service Loan Forgiveness, also known as PSLF, is a Student Loan Forgiveness program created under the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007.  It is the fastest tax-free form of Federal student loan forgiveness and there are only 3 requirements to qualify.

Why are the Income Driven Repayment Plans often a Financial Black Hole?

Most borrowers have a monthly payment less than interest which means their debt grows over 20-25 years.  The debt is then forgiven but taxed as income.  This student loan forgiveness tax-bomb could be for $100,000 or more.

What is the difference between IDR Forgiveness and the PSLF program?

Income Driven Repayment (IDR) plans forgive student debt after 20-25 years of payments but tax the forgiven debt as income.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) will erase your debt 100% tax-free in less than half the time!

Has anyone had their debt erased with Public Service Loan Forgiveness?

Yes! According to the US Department of Education, there has been over $42 Billion of student debt erased for 650,000 borrowers so far...  You could be next!

What Is My Next Step?

Please click the link below to register for the WebClass.
A link will automatically appear at the end with an opportunity to schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Hoffman to get your student loan questions answered in more detail.

What Is My Next Step?

Please click the link below to register for the free WebClass.
A link will automatically appear at the end with an opportunity to schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Hoffman to get your student loan questions answered in more detail.
* The webclass is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook.  The webclass is fully compliant with Facebook Advertising policies which state, "ads promoting student loan services must be targeted to people 18 years or older. Ads must not promote misleading or deceptive services related to student loan consolidation, forgiveness, or refinancing."
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